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The Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea (FCWC) facilitates cooperation in fisheries management between the member countries: Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and Togo. The countries have several shared fish stocks and identified a need for cooperation and shared management of these resources.

The Challenge
FCWC was looking to contract an experienced web designer and developer to provide a full re-design of its website. The new site was to be the primary external communications tool for FCWC and was to reflect the FCWC brand values of being a modern, effective and collaborative institution that embraces the technologies and challenges of the future while utilising the knowledge, best practice and experience of the past. The website was to offer a strong and modern design in order to differentiate the FCWC and affirm its role as a regional body that is supporting and showcasing its members, and is taking a leading role globally in pushing for transparency to achieve sustainable fisheries.
The website was to provide strong visibility for Institutional Activities i.e. Conference of Ministers, board of Directors sessions and Secretariat, key projects, most notably PESCAO and working groups like the West Africa Task Force (WATF) with home page presence and rich content (to include Key Institutional documents, project documents, activities, publications and news on ‘micro-sites’. It also aimed to build greater engagement with key stakeholders such as national Directors of Fisheries, national ministry personnel and regional enforcement officers as well as regional and international organisations.

The Approach
In order to build greater engagement with key stakeholders, we had to come up with a layout that communicates with its target audience by making it very easy for them to get on the go information about FCWC
The website had to be modern, effective and collaborative as well as embrace the technologies and challenges of the future

Success Journey
FCWC now has a fully refined and functional website which showcases its activities, member states and reflects the FCWC brand values.
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